Ultimate Monolaurin®
A Brief History
Early South Sea Island explorers often wondered why the island natives seemed to stay healthier than the American Indians did when Caucasian people mixed with them. In fact, the island natives didn’t seem to catch much of anything. That is, until some of the natives started eating a ‘western’ diet. Then their health would begin to suffer - while those on native diets stayed healthy!
Scientists eventually decided that it was due to the coconut. Much later, Michigan State University researchers discovered what happened when we eat coconut. Our body adds glycerol to the lauric acid in coconut and converts about 3% of it into a nutrient called monolaurin. Since monolaurin is in its highest concentration in nature in mother's milk, they suspected monolaurin might be the magic bullet responsible.
What Makes Our Monolaurin the "Ultimate"?
Actually, our body adds glycerol to other coconut acids, as well, and converts them into monoglycerides of MonoCaprin and MonoMyristin. We wanted to combine them together as a family and offer a little fuller spectrum of the coconut monoglycerides than others. So, we have included our exclusive"MonoCaprin Plus"™ to provide:
Minimum: | 95% | MonoLaurin |
Plus up to: | 2% | MonoMyristin |
2% | MonoCaprin |